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Lady London

1/2 Euro Solid Blue AKC  Great Dane

To see more pics of London, please click on her name

To see pics of London's line x her pedigree please click on London's Pedigree...

London is OFA Certified

Born  ~  12/21/12

Weight  ~  115-120lbs

Height  ~  32 (at the shoulder)

Lady London was born right here at CB Hillis Danes.

She is from our Sir Brody x our Lady Lexis.

She is at least 4 generations color pure on her momma's side x 5 generations color pure on her sire's side.(London has been color tested x is KK - which means she can not produce fawns or off colors).


From the time London graced us with her presence, she has always been quiet, laid back x a snuggler. Out of her litter she was the calmest most laid back female. We chose her based off of that x out of all the pups she was the one that never left my side x if any of us put our heads on the floor she would belly crawl under our necks x lift our heads up.


To this day, she is still calm, laid back, a snuggler who does not like our heads to be down, but she enjoys playing with the other Danes now too x belly crawling under the Dane's day bed to hide from the boys. She, like her momma has an amazing sense of Motherly Love x Loyalty that we Love!

© 2024 Hillis Danes.

1-740-621-0062   |   Millersport, Ohio

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