Hillis Danes
Americano y Europeo Azul y Negro Grandes Danes
~ ~ Lady Ember Joy ~ ~
(aka Lady Sterling)
Was born here at Hillis Danes 2 December 2020 x is staying here w/us. She is the
granddaughter to our Lady Lexis x Sir Brody. She reminds me alot of her nana Lexis - in personality ;-)
I changed her text color because Okalani's is in lavender as well x did not want 2 in the same color. So Em's puppy ribbon x text color no longer match.
Day 1
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
2 Months
4.5 Months
6.5 Months
8 Months
10 Months
2 Years
2nd Female, 3rd in litter.....Solid Blue w/Front Flashing
born 12/2/20 @ 4:31 PM.....1lb 4.8 oz
12/9/20..... 2lbs 2oz
12/16/20.....3lbs 15oz
12/23/20.....5lbs 1oz
1/6/21.....8lbs 13 1/2oz
1/13/21.....12lbs 1 oz
Personality info
Ember is my girl. Love that she still does not have to be alpha but steps up when needed. Em is still quiet in the since that she is not a fusser/whiner but she definitely has a deep loud bark x she is so smart. Knows how to maneuver around the gates that i prop up....all the others don't dare....Em is very persistent at being where I am x as long as she is will me, so calm (once she settles from her excitement) x quiet.
Outside she is soooooo playful which is why it makes it hard to get "the shot" I am looking for durning her photo shoots. She is sooo has she ends up looking so goofy.
Also like as a little pup Ember does not have to be on my lap...close to me works for her but occasionally when I have been gone too long she likes to lay with me x cuddle. However if we allowed her in the bed I think she would cuddle all the time ;-)
Week 1
For the most part Sterling seems content - she is not as fussy as the other pups - so she seems to have a calmness to her. Sterling also seems to have a motherly side - we say this because if one of the other pups are dreaming or if they are fussing, she is 1 of 3 pups that goes to cuddle them.
Week 2
Sterling has shown her smarts x confidents this week (video on FB) she on multiple occasions daily - comes in search of me for the bottle. She knows where my bed is......however the one day I was sitting at my desk in the whelping area and when Sterling realized that I was not picking her up when she made it to my bed she decided to keep searching for me. She made to the foot of the bed and curled up and went to sleep.....during this whole event...she never fussed or freaked out...she was calm and confident.
Sterling also showed her calmness when I purposely pulled her off from nursing; she is the heaviest this week and the others needed in.....I was expecting her to pitch a fit instead she sniffed around my lap looking for food and when she did not find it she settled in to snuggle.
Week 3
Sterling is content with her momma, her siblings or us humans. She is smart x confident. Sterling shows this all the time when she leaves the safety of her momma x siblings and comes in search of me. We rearranged the whelping room giving the pups more space (moving my bed) Sterling heard me move on the bed, her ears perked up and she made a bee line for me lol
She also showed her smarts during the photo shoot. She came all the way to the edge of the table and stopped until I reached for her and once she smelled me....well she was in my arms
Week 5
Sterling showed her smarts again this week when I put her on the nook bench. She went to the edge x check it out instead of leaping off x she showed her confidence by not freaking out when put in new areas of the house.
Sterling also likes to cuddle but does not have to be on my lap....she is content to lay beside or behind me but she will take my lap too.
Week 6
Ember continues to be everything listed above. She has a calm sit back x watch side and occasionally a playful side but she does not have to be the alpha